Posts Tagged ‘retreat’

I’m Trippin’

Posted: October 19, 2007 in church
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roadtrip.jpgForgive me for the pathetic late 90’s slang, but I thought it would at least get your attention.  I’m going to be heading out on a youth retreat this weekend to West Bank Bible Camp with the kids from our youth group.  It’s going to be a fairly intense spiritual retreat with a focus on social justice; helping the poor and oppressed amongst us and abroad.  The curriculum we are going through is called “The Justice Mission“.  It should be a fun time for the kids to get closer to God and learn his heart for the poor and oppressed.  It is also going to be an exhausting weekend for me as I speak 5 times in 36 hours, lead music, lead games, and try to sleep and eat somewhere too.  So sorry if I don’t reply to your comments for the next couple days, but I’ll be back on sunday.