Guess who’s watching Nancy Grace . . .

Posted: November 9, 2007 in life, Random
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nancygraceho.jpgI’ll level with you right off the top, I don’t know where this is going.  Usually I’m sleepy by this time – around 12:30am – but tonight I’m not, so I’m wiriting in the hopes of getting closer to sleep.  I spent a little time parousing through and reading all the blogs on my list, in particular Brad’s post that sounded strangely similar to one I wrote myself a few weeks ago about some of the challenges facing young pastors these days.  Tonight I don’t feel like complaining though.  This has been a good week at the church.  Although some may not believe me, I really enjoyed our elder’s meeting this week and it gave me some hope that an answer to my questions may be within reach and not just a pipe dream.  I again was given the affirmation that they are on the same page as I am and would support me pretty much no matter what crazy idea I thought would be the right one.  It’s exciting and daunting at the same time.  Exciting in that I’m getting in on the ground floor of something that I think could be spectacular, and daunting in the sense that it’s the ground floor and there is no particular momentum in any direction (ie. it’s totally up to me to set the direction and create the momentum).  I’m still not sure exactly what direction things will head in yet, but I’m starting to get a little bit of a vision of what it could be.  If you want to guess what that is I guess I could set up some kind of web-based competition to “name that ministry” once it starts up. 😉

Anyways, I’m starting to get a little closer to groggy now – I’ve been watching Nancy Grace do a story about O.J. Simpson’s new trial and that’s enough to make anyone pass out – so I think I’m going to try to get some sleep now.  In hindsight, I guess this post actually went somewhere after all . . . go figure.

  1. I’ve been a HUGE fan of Nancy Grace for as long as I can remember. If I am ever suspected of committing a felonious offense, I hope Nancy personal gives me the business. I wish I had a show so I could wear lots of mascara and make people that I don’t like feel bad about themselves and commit suicide! Nancy Grace is awesome!


  2. michellefrommadison says:

    I think that Nancy Grace should be arrested and placed in a prison. Someplace nice and safe where she will not be able to undermine our legal system the way she has been doing with this Anthony case. Ultraconservatives want to put flag burners in prison, what’s the difference? She didn’t burn the flag, but she does vandalize due process each and every night. She is molesting your right to due process, which she was sanctioned by the Appeals courts years before, and setting a precedent for every child who will grow up in a world where mock trials are held on TV for entertainment. She is vandalizing the jury system by attempting to taint all of society with her hyper-accusatory views, phony evidence and wild accusations. In my opinion, in virtue of the fact that phony bogus evidence has already been presented to every possible juror, you have a mistrial by definition even before the trial has begun. And, Casey Anthony should be released immediately because this is not a case that simply cannot be tried fairly under our system of Law. Guilty or not, Casey should go free, in part largely due to the un-professionalism of Nancy Grace. Good going 😦


  3. michellefrommadison says:

    It is clear to those that have really scrutinized Nancy Grace’s misconduct that Nancy clearly suffers from a psychological disorder. Might be one of the many reasons CNN puts her into therapy so often. Not for her alcoholism or drug usage she says she does, but for her mental instability.


  4. michellefrommadison says:

    According to many experts, the change in the death penalty is not because the evidence has changed, but is a means of attempting to get a plea from Casey. The experts are still not wavering in their conclusion that a conviction of first degree murder against Casey Anthony is still highly unlikely. After reviewing the evidence in this case released to the public, I agree, based upon the evidence, extremely unlikely.


  5. michellefrommadison says:

    Stop victimizing victims Nancy Grace, and stop helping to lose the life of non-convicted victims again. You belong in prison for the crimes you have done, and get those twin kids away from your drunkenness and your pill-popping. Maybe you should tell the viewers on every show that you are under state and federal lawsuits again for your role in assisting to end the life of a mother of a missing child, and while you’re at it, mention that those twins do not have the same father and neither twin is biologically related to your husband. Try being truthful for a change.


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